LOKAL Helsinki

Sain yhteydenoton jo jokin aika sitten Katja Hagelstamilta.
Katja  perusti yli vuosi sitten Lokal -nimisen galleria storen Annankadulle Helsinkiin.
Lokaliin on muuttanut setti AND -tuotteita, joita sieltä voi myös ostaa! Käy tutustumassa, torstaina aukeaa uusi näyttely!


"We are a concept store in the heart of Helsinki, home to independent Finnish art, design and craft. The locally roasted coffee is always brewing and the themed exhibitions change every month.

Lokal is run by photographer Katja Hagelstam. Inspired to create a gallery shop for Finnish artists and designers, she opened Lokal in April of 2012. It has been growing and changing ever since, showing a mix of recognized and up-and-coming artists. If there is a particular artist from past exhibitions that you are interested in knowing more about, please get in touch!" lokalhelsinki.com

Aivan makia video! Must paikka to go in Helsink!i

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